1. Choose a community farm near you from the list below sorted based on your current location and shows driving distance to the farms.
  2. Subscribe to a plot containing veggies you can grow
  3. Pay for a month’s subscription.

Don’t worry..When you start off, we let you choose between a number of plans. These are pre-configured with different varieties of veggies that are likely to grow well in the your current season. Just choose one of those plans and you are all set.

You will learn everything about farming by visiting the farm and interacting with the farmers. You will get to know how each crop is grown, what can be done when an adverse event like a pest attack happens, how to rotate your crops, and so much more ! Everything that happens during the growing cycle of each of your crops is available communicated to you, and it can be fun re-living how the carrots you ate today, actually made the journey from a seed to something edible. Our customers tell us that the Farmiken experience has turned out to be a valuable educational experience, especially for kids in the family.

Farmiken operates on a pre-paid monthly subscription model. If your first payment was on 5th of March, your next payment due date will be 5th of April. In order to continue to receive Farmiken services, you need to ensure your total subscription dues are paid up on or before the payment due date for each subscription period.

The cost for a subscription may vary based on the partner farm that you choose and is mentioned in the farm subscription fee. But the most common price point with our current partner farmers is Ksh. 4000/- per month.

You can pay via  debit cards, credit cards, MPesa. It’s all safe and secure.

Once you pay for your Rental farm, the farmer starts preparing your plot with the vegetables you have chosen. You may choose a mini-farm which already has those vegetables growing in various stages of their lifecycle. When your harvest is ready, you can visit the farm to pick it up yourself or let us deliver your produce right to your doorstep.

It depends on the plants that you choose to grow every plant has its own growing stages and maturity period. For veg. like Sukuma wiki (Kales) you can see your first harvest within a few weeks.

The size of the rental farm may vary based on the partner farm that you choose. But the most common size supported by our current partner farmers is 600 square feet. One of our partner farms is 400 square feet since it is in a green house. Some of our farms also operate in the half-n-half model where you have 600 square feet allocated to you  and you control 300 square feet, while the farmer manages the remaining 300 square feet as part of the common pool. Each farm listing mentions the size and the model clearly.

We allow upto a maximum of 12 changes to your growing plan every month – much more than what you would need. Please be careful when you make these changes. Overdoing it may cause unnecessary wastage and prolong the time needed to get you your next harvest.

Once you choose a new vegetable to be planted in a bed in your mini-farm, the bed enters into a work-in-progress stage and the farmer will implement your changes in the next 48 hours. You will be notified when your changes have been implemented.

You will see photos, videos, activity updates for everything that happens with your vegetables – watering, de-weeding, organic fertilizer application, pest control etc. etc. You will also get indications for harvest readiness of your various crops.

The number of vegetables that are supported vary based on the specific region of Kenya/Uganda/Tanzania you are in and the season. The farmer updates this list dynamically for you to choose from, so you don’t need to worry about whether you are making the right growing choices.

Unfortunately, the reality of farming, is that crops sometime fail because of factors not under our control. For example, there could be a flood situation, or a terrible pest attack. While the risk of crop failure is reduced in our model because we grow a variety of different crops together and have a team of agronomist to ensure the right plant care procedure is followed, there is a possibility that some crops fail some time. We cannot remove this risk, but we will try our best to manage this risk for you.

Absolutely ! We highly encourage you to visit the farm, it’s an essential part of the Farmiken experience. Just make sure you schedule a farm visit with your farmer. Schedule your visit through inquiry session this will ensure we help you through your visit. You can visit with your family, friends etc.

We will deliver your harvest weekly to you, provided there is harvest available in your mini-farm or you can pick up your produce yourself. We will notify you of your upcoming delivery. Our delivery guy will also call you before arriving at your place.

Please avoid this. When you miss the due date for payment, your mini-farm is released into a pool for allocating to new customers. If the mini-farm gets allocated to someone else, and you pay up your late dues at that point of time, you may have to be allocated a new plot – where you may have to start from scratch again.

You can cancel your subscription anytime by sending us an email at Your services will continue till the end of your current paid-up billing cycle. Once your subscription has expired, your mini-farm is released for other consumers. If you are planning to cancel your subscription, you should drop in and harvest whatever you want from your mini-farm before your subscription expires. Once the mini-farm is released, and is booked by another customer, it’s their prerogative on what they want to do with any existing plants which are growing in their mini-farm.

Yes you can! Many customers end up taking a subscription to more than one mini-farm because they have larger families and want more produce. Note that the billing periods for each mini-farm will be based on the date on which that specific mini-farm was booked.

Please rate the farmer on the review session or send us an email to with your feedback about the farmer, and we will assist you accordingly.


You can form teams and place pre-orders directly with our site. You then place orders on our site with the specific farmer or seller, he sends across the produce to us and we get it home delivered to you.

Each team buy offer mentions how many people you need in the team for the team to be active. The most common minimum team size is just 2 people.

Right now the discount remains 20% for all orders. However, from time to time we announce prizes for the top teams with maximum number of team members.

Yes you can – it’s up to you who you form the team with.

If no one joins your team within the deadline, your order is cancelled and auto refunded.

If your team buy succeeds, we will home deliver the products to individual team members. Each team buy listing shows the expected delivery dates. If, in rare cases, the delivery cannot be done due to reasons like the produce not meeting quality standards etc, your order will be cancelled and refunded.

Team Buy prices are lower because forming such teams helps us place orders in bulk with farmers. Also, most people end up forming teams with neighbours, which reduces our last mile delivery costs. We are able to pass these savings on to you.

Every day we list different sets of products you can buy including chemical-free fruits etc.


As soon as you receive your order

We always strive to deliver safely but in case of an accident will access the claim and make refund immediately.

Yes. But you need to notify us 12 hours before your order is dispatched for delivery.

You can track order online via link TRACK ORDER